
Thomas Gillespie tomjamesgillespie at googlemail.com
Fri May 30 18:19:45 CEST 2008

Hey Jonathan

> Looking good.

Thanks :)

> Various comments:
> clicking on the applet should show the dialogue

Good idea.

> the icon is svg only and not all the details render, it could just use
> the stock battery-charging icon (unless it needs scaled).

I'm not sure I know what you mean by this, what is wrong with svg 

> "suspend to disk/ram" is not as well understood as "hibernate" and
> "suspend"

Yea that could be true, I'll change them

> a tooltip would be good.

Yep, its on the todo.

> maybe notification when something interesting happens, like 
> to battery powered

Yea, I have a few notifications scattered around, but I think i need to 
polish up in this area.

> have you looked into making this a plasmoid?  I believe systray
> applets are old school these days.

Yea I think thats the way forward, even if only because my plasma 
systray is really tempermental atm :)

Thanks for your help


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