
Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Wed May 20 20:29:35 CEST 2009

Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
>> It is recommended that decorations provide menu placement as an
>> option, per container type.
> Hmm, so shared menu is not a global option but per decoration? In such 
> case I opt (strongly :-D) for "it is required...".

While I agree in principle, I vote for deferring to Lubos on this :-). 
Thinking about it again maybe it should be a global option, I think I 
was mainly considering different decorator might want different default 
(also there may be problems with decorators supporting all modes).

IOW I am not sure how it will work out technically and so am inclined to 
defer imposing requirements until we know how it works out in practice, 
if there are technical issues, etc.

But I probably won't object if you want to re-write it back :-).

>> This will control if the menu appears within the application
>> instance window (which would mean many menus in FAI, GAI
>> containers), within the parent container, or within the parent
>> container. 
> Typo? Repeated the last phrase.

Yes, thanks. Fixed.

>> The last choice cascades; that is, the menu is "pushed" up until a
>> container that does not use this option (the root cannot, as it has
>> no parent). 
> The menu is pushed, but the option says if the menu should be shared, 
> so it means it is sucked up. So the root of course can use this 
> option but we should treat it as special kind -- so FAI, GAI, TAI and 
> desktop.

First... is it okay if you can change it per container? If yes, then I 
think all I would change is to add:

Desktop (root) window should...
(*) ...always shows menu in child window
( ) ...always show menus at the top of the container
( ) ...use the default setting for its container type

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