NWI: hollow apps

Maciej Pilichowski bluedzins at wp.pl
Tue Mar 17 20:22:02 CET 2009

On Tuesday 17 March 2009 19:31:48 Matthew Woehlke wrote:

> I do like having a "wrap current window in a
> {tabbed,tiled,floating} container" though. (I actually have assumed
> for a while these would be bindable keys, just haven't said it
> explicitly.)

:-DDD I love it, I just didn't say anything about it too ;-))

> > [see previous message for context]
> >   Matthew, first issue -- is this technically possible? If no,
> > end of story. If yes -- do you like it?
> Technically... it should be (same as empty containers). I'm not
> sure how much I like it, though; seems like a waste of space, 

? Why -- it is just making space for app which I would like to dock. 
It would be "wasted" for about 1-2 seconds (time of launching next 

This is idea of container-centered attitude. I have a start (one app), 
I am making room for another, I run another. The end. Note that 
thanks to fact I already make some space, the newly created app is 
already placed into desired spot.

The only opposite way I can think of is:
* launch app
* launch 2nd app
* mark it as "join"
* alt-tab switch to the first one
* accept it for join

Not much, but previously it was only 3 moves, now it is 5. Almost 200% 

> not 
> very consistent with how docking usually works. 

True. Btw. I wasn't thinking about it as replacement of docking. Only 
as another way to do grouping.

> For tab container a 
> one-window container just shows a tab bar, though, so that is
> probably fine.

There is no guarantee for tab. Konq. from the start is TDI application 
and it could be configured as "do not show tabbar for single tab" (I 
don't use it).

> Hmm, actually for floating you almost have to have, 
> by definition, empty containers. How bad would it be to have some
> containers can be empty but others can't?

Errm, in this proposal (above) container would never be empty 
(totally) -- it would be just part of it empty. And there are quite 
resemblance -- when you for example add photo for identity, from 
start there is "empty" photo, and then you drop or add real one.

Something similar here.

> So that leaves tiled; there are pluses, sure, but I'm not sure
> about the space usage. What if there was no empty space but some
> other visual indicator (e.g. in the title bar, different frame on
> the container, etc) that you now have a window in a tile container
> versus just a window?

Hmm, this "empty" space is more appealing for me (power-users does not 
mean healthy people), it is the "boldest" signal I can think of, so 
it is hard to miss. I see advantage of empty space in TAI.

(I can make a quick screenshot, just in case ... ?)

But sure, if you don't like just the visual appearance, no problem, it 
could be titlebar, OSD, frame. The most important for me is the idea, 
or mechanism, of sucking application on start to container waiting 
for it -- so it would be grouping on launch.

Oh, btw. empty space would be a nice gesture for mouse users. It is 
hard to miss, and with empty space all you can do is drop the app. As 
we discussed before if you drop app on app there will be some (may be 
some) ambiguity (phew, no error while typing)  what your intentions 
are -- are you dropping for making container or you dropping by 
accident or you dropping for some action related to target app not 

And more -- it could contain message for users. I love UI which is 
self-contained (i.e. such that you don't need any manual at all).

But again -- the mechanism, not visual feedback is important here for 
me. Because yes/no for it has influence on other issues.

So -- possible? Needed? ;-)


PS. Gee, it is bad, but I like the idea of empty space more and more, 
ok, screenshot coming ;-).

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