NWI: hollow apps

Maciej Pilichowski bluedzins at wp.pl
Tue Mar 17 16:45:53 CET 2009


  This is part of making my mind up ;-)) The problem with that is, I 
imagine something ok, then I try to optimize things. As Joel Spolsky 
says, specifications are cheap, and I fully agree.

  This is not yet-another-issue, it is rather of chain of related 
issues, once is polished to 100%, and it influences all others. This 
affects a bit the end of the closing apps, and that's why I started 

  Matthew, first issue -- is this technically possible? If no, end of 
story. If yes -- do you like it?

We described how user could make the GAI/TAI, the problem is it is 
kind of slow. So I was thinking how we could really boost up 
composing apps, so power-users could make them just in split of a 

Hollow apps. 

User starts okular. It is SAI so far. (from here -- just an _idea_) 
User has now the choice:
* make preparation for vertical GAI
* as above, for hor. GAI
* for TAI

Let's say he presses F47 keyboard shortcut which means vertical GAI -- 
the current window frame is now splitted in two, the left part is 
taken by already running okular. The right part is empty (not empty 
okular, but pure-empty, just space). User launches kaffeine and it is 
sucked into the right part of GAI container.
  If user instead of launching kaffeine pressed escape, okular would 
get back to its initial size.

Benefits for mouse users:
Another mean to create container without d&d.

If it would be possible and you would like it, it would mean creating 
NWI is cheap, and there is no need for empty containers.


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