CLosing apps

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Mon Mar 16 23:35:08 CET 2009

Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
> On Monday 16 March 2009 21:12:54 Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>>> * close direct parent container of this window (except desktop)
>> Is an empty container allowed? If not, your "close all siblings"
>> overlaps. My preference would be for just this one.
> Good question. Initially I was against it, but more and more I think 
> about it and I opt for -- yes.
> Pro:
> * empty desktop exists

Special case, but...

> * more natural feel for TAI -- after closing the last tab, you don't 
> have to create container from beginning

...this one feels more important. Especially then you can make 
container, put windows in it.

Ok, so add wm-close-parent-children? (Name isn't really important, 
anyway, a "close all siblings and me" action. Leave it unbound by default?)

And, as it relates to the other discussions, I would still say a 
container may not have input focus *unless* it has no children.

> Cons:
> * may looks odd (containers are frames really)

Well, yeah, I don't think it would look /that/ odd though :-).

> So I opt for:
> * TAI can be empty
> * GAI can be empty
> * single app. (SAI) -- cannot be empty (by definition)

"SAI" = window not in a container ;-).

>> Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
>>> On Monday 16 March 2009 19:59:15 Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>>>> I'll try the "poetry" again.
>>>> If I have:
>>>>   container
>>>>     konq
>>>>     konq
>>>>     okular
>>>>     konq
>>>> ...I'm not convinced we need a shortcut to close just the konq's
>>>> in the above. (Unless it is "close all siblings" :-), which is
>>>> probably a good action to have, though I'd leave it unbound by
>>>> default.)
>>> I also don't think we need shortcut for close _konquerors_, but I
>>> am 100% sure we need (I need) shortcut for close _this
>>> konqueror_.
>> What is "close this konqueror" in the above?
> Let's say the container is TAI --> closing one tab.

== wm-close-window, no? I have increasing feeling we are agreeing but 
confusing each other by inconsistent terminology :-).

>>> If yes -- I also suggest "close all siblings except this one".
>> ...and /this/ is wm-close-siblings :-).
> So implicitly you are saying there are no empty containers. Hmmm...

Beside "see above", part of what I am saying is I am not my own sibling 
;-), i.e. "sibling" implicitly excludes "self". That's how I would use 
it in anything user-visible, anyway.

> So we are both on wm-close-siblings-similar? Ok.

If we agree there is no reason to close only those windows in an app 
that are the same app, then yes.

>>> Could you please you accept / don't accept those.
>> Except for still not sure what you want from "close doc" vs "close
>> window", +1.
> Let's say I start kpdf+doc. Closing doc, would be closing the opened 
> file. Closing window would be closing kpdf as application.

Didn't we have this discussion a while back? :-) Hmm... okay, so TWI 
brings some useful sanity to the concept of an "empty tab/window/etc". 
Maybe wm-close-window shouldn't be ctrl-w, and app-close-document should 
never close a window and restore window to "empty/nothing loaded" state? 
I think I would be okay with that.

>> Again I prefer that apps should strive to eliminate 
>> MDI entirely and leave it to the WM, in which case "close doc" and
>> "close window" are the same thing.
> I am against this. IMHO we should have two-level structure for 
> application:
> * application (menu, toolbar, etc) 
> * document (the content)

If you mean it should be possible to get empty window, okay. If you mean 
we shouldn't discourage apps from having MDI stacked on top of WM 

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