RFC: spammer policy

Maciej Pilichowski bluedzins at wp.pl
Thu Mar 5 18:13:04 CET 2009

On Thursday 05 March 2009 17:21:29 Matthew Woehlke wrote:

> This is the strongest protection (and hopefully translates to least
> work for the moderators) but risks blacklisting legitimate
> addresses that have been spoofed. On the other hand, most spam
> doesn't re-use addresses, so the effectiveness is questionable.

I see big disadvantage somewhere else -- you have to deal with 
spammers manually when they do automatic job. Not wise.

I don't know full capabilities of this ML (on the mod side) but one 
thing trivial that comes to mind is to put such requirement at the ML 

"If you would like to send a message to ML while not being subscribed 
to it, please add the line "I am not subscriber: your at email.address" 
as the first line of your message".

Or something similar -- you get my concept I think :-).

Of course any mail not meeting such requirement would be deleted 
without even notifying us.


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