Fwd: Adding "group/split" button to the decoration

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jul 14 21:57:11 CEST 2009

Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 July 2009 17:47:28 Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> TBH I think it would be better to start off with 'windows in GAI
>> can't be minimized'.
> [ After a thinking I changed my (previous) mind ]
> Unless we provide taskbar. Then GAI would be similar to FAI, just with 
> glue on the borders :-) Hmmmmm.... does tabbar in TAI is taskbar 
> really?
> This would lead to pretty universal design -- just feature 
> disabled/enable here and there.
> I... start to like it :-)) 

Hm. At first I didn't like it, but now I am not sure. Maybe what we 
should do (radical idea)... is /forget about TAI/. Well, not exactly, but...

So we said already FAI has its own panel. Okay. And GAI maximized window 
is like TAI. So GAI in 'restore' mode may or may not need a panel, FAI 
in 'restore' mode has one (and can minimize children). And if you 
maximize window in either, you get something that is basically "TAI" 
mode. So you don't have TAI as such, you have choice of windows floating 
or in panes (GAI or FAI), and "TAI" when you maximize a window.

So in "TAI" mode you will have no child title bar, no minimize button, 
and one 'restore' button that puts you back to FAI/GAI mode.

...which just leaves how, and if, you can minimize in GAI. Also if GAI 
has panel or not; I would prefer "not" unless there are minimized 
windows, would that be acceptable?

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