Fwd: Adding "group/split" button to the decoration

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jul 14 17:47:28 CEST 2009

Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
> On Friday 10 July 2009 19:09:20 Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
>>> On Thursday 09 July 2009 18:25:08 Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>>>> Well, you can hide parts of split views... same problem :-).
>>> They are usually prepared to have scrollbars. We won't have such
>>> situation.
>> ?
>> If a UI is done with a splitter layout, I can use the splitter to
>> make one half of the split hidden. I don't know where there are
>> scrollbars here.
> Before writing previous post I checked the Konqueror. Normally you 
> cannot minimize the dialog less than its minimal size. But you could 
> do this with pane. Because it does not shrink, it just shows 
> scrollbar.

I don't think you're looking at a splitter layout. Check out gwenview, 
make sure you have the side panel shown. There is a splitter that lets 
you resize it. Make it big, make it small. You will see there is a 
minimum size, it stops getting smaller after this, but when you drag it 
a little more, /it goes away entirely/. The splitter is still there, but 
the pane is hidden. You can similarly cause the main view area to be 
totally hidden. Just the splitter is still there (and whichever half 
isn't hidden).

Same with split views in Kate.

> Unless you intented to put all windows inside GAI in scrollable panes.

I don't think they are needed?

>>> But more problems for you :-) What happens (how container should
>>> look) after minimizing maximized window in GAI?
>> Do you mean restore (un-maximize)? 
> No. I mean -- minimize maximized window. What would happen with GAI?

One of two things:

a: switch to next window, show that as maximized.
b: equivalent to restore + minimize

So the other question is, what does minimize do in GAI? Do we even 
permit it? If yes, I think it should hide the window the way splitter 
layout hides panes. This may cause adjacent windows to un-minimize if 
needed to keep the container "full".

TBH I think it would be better to start off with 'windows in GAI can't 
be minimized'.

>>> I still think it would be more obvious if maximize would mean --
>>> make it as big as possible.
>> Isn't that essentially what it does?
> It depends -- in FAI it does not have to take other windows into 
> account. So the question is -- in GAI should it ignore the rest of 
> the siblings, or not. I rather opt -- for not ignoring, which 
> translates "the possible -- to the extent the siblings let you".

...but you can hide the siblings ;-). Right now there is not a lot of 
difference between maximize and full-screen, mostly the former you still 
have title bar and panel. I think I would keep that for GAI; maximize 
makes one window fill container (other windows effectively hidden).

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