KTp as part of Plasma? (was: Re: Port complete \o/ )

Vishesh Handa me at vhanda.in
Wed Feb 4 11:47:02 UTC 2015

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 5:31 PM, Martin Klapetek <martin.klapetek at gmail.com>

> I think Plasma should do that first. If Plasma, the release, is a basic
> shell which you can take and do whatever formfactor UI, than KTp has no
> place in there. If Plasma is a desktop/tablet/whatever workspace which
> provides
> basic features to control and work with your computer, then yes, provided
> we actually do have those basic features. Seriously, why should Plasma
> have IM
> client and not a file manager? What would be the point of that?

That's something we have always talked about. That Dolphin or a file
manager is extremely important as part of the workspace. This weekend at
FOSDEM, even though we were showcasing Plasma 5.2, Dolphin was always open.

In the end I don't think it actually matters if it's part of A or B.
> Distributions
> will be the ones serving the software and there the difference is only in
> release dates. And those who compile stuff on their own care even less.

>From a promo point of view, it does matter.
For a external developer looking to use your APIs, it does matter.
For just a user, you're correct, it does not matter, given distributions
are in the end in control.

> Also note that KDE Applications released 151 pieces of software, among
> those are:
>  * audiocd-kio
>  * kaccessible
>  * kdeartwork
>  * kde-base-artwork
>  * kde-dev-utils/-scripts
>  * kdesdk-*
>  * bunch of KDE libs
>  * print-manager
>  * superkaramba
>  * zeroconf-ioslave
> ...and many others which I have no idea what they even do. But in my
> opinion
> many of them being among KDE applications is just as strange.

Many of them are because of historical reasons. The move to frameworks
still isn't completed and not everything has found its correct place. If
you want you can also add `baloo-widgets` to this list.

>> > The first question that was important for us was "Which users do we
>> want to focus on?".
>> > We decided that we want to focus on Plasma users. We do not shut out
>> users of other
>> > desktop environments or operating systems, but we clearly focus on
>> integrating
>> > well with Plasma and provide the best experience for Plasma users.
>> Also, we have been promoting kde-applications as stuff which we want
>> ported on windows and osx. KTp does not seem to fit that bill.
> Promoting where?

Martin. You've been part of these discussions.

> The official announcements have no mention of either.
> Sure, Kate, Dolphin and couple others are available on other platforms,
> but sorry if I have doubts about all of 151 released pieces wanting to be
> on either Windows or OS X...
> Cheers

You seem to have skipped the entire argument of "what ktp should be
focusing on" and how it was meant to integrate well with Plasma.

Anyway, this discussion isn't getting us anywhere. Lets just make a
release. If you, as the maintainer, change your mind, then we can always

Vishesh Handa
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