Accounts handling in Plasma 5

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Wed Aug 27 15:50:26 UTC 2014

On Wednesday 27 August 2014 17:35:20 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> I'm still not sure what you're getting at...? If you set it up on Gnome
> using Gnome UI for Accounts-SSO, the password will be stored in Gnome
> keyring. The account would exist in Plasma, yes, but you would not have the
> password available unless you'd run the Gnome keyring. Same goes the other
> way around, KAccounts will store the password in KWallet, so unless you run
> KWallet in Gnome, that KTp account won't work there.

Ok, so KTp can only use accounts set up within KAccounts, not within Accounts-
SSO-compatible systems in general?
My - probably naive - understanding was that when I'm in GNOME and set up an 
account - e.g. a Google or Jabber account - within its GUI for Accounts-SSO, 
then KTp can use that account (the password being retrieved via gnome-keyring 
because it's Gnome's Accounts-SSO implementation) as well because it's stored 
in some cross-desktop Accounts-SSO database. 
That's how I imagine cross-desktop frameworks to work, but I might be 
completely off there.

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