David Edmundson david at
Mon Jan 14 23:17:37 UTC 2013

This email is a summary of the changes that have happened in KTp:

 - The various QML plugins have all been consolidated from random
repositories into ktp-common-internals

 - ktp-presence-applet is now empty and deleted. This will not be in 0.6.

 - the ktp-contact-applet repository has now been renamed to

 - The chat applet  (formerly in ktp-text-ui), and presence applet
(formerly ktp-presence-applet) have all been merged into
(so this repository, now contains all 4 applets)

 - ktp-common-internals now depends on telepathy-logger-qt. This
dependency is now mandatory, unlike the text-ui in 0.5

All of these changes are now complete and in effect.

Tarballs in 0.6 will match the repository names.

We appreciate this is extra work for you and apologise for it. It was
not an easy decision and it's been a lot of work for us too. It should
hopefully make things easier as there are now fewer repositories, and
everything is in logical places.

Please remind me to include all of this text in the email to
kde-release ML whenever we release 0.6.

David Edmundson

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