Geona Sprint Notes

David Edmundson david at
Sat Jun 9 15:39:28 UTC 2012

We had a sprint/wedding combo in Genoa a few weeks ago, these are some
notes I made from it.

They probably don't make much sense to anyone, but I wanted to put them here.

Notifications are awful currently we emit one per account, which is
very messy when you suspend the laptop.

Short term:
 - If network error when connecting AND network manager says you're
offline, do nothing.
 - patch written by Dave, George K to test (as he doesnt' have NM)

Mid term:
 - put in presence plasmoid (fades between current state and warning
icon?, click shows latest errors (then discards))
 - kded will check if plasmoid is running, if so do nothing (and
plasmoid will do it)
 - otherwise send traditional notifications.

Long term:
 - plasma to not suck (Barcelona Sprint to plan this)


Chat UI emits lots of notifications if you miss two messages it's a
mess, and when you then activate the text-ui the notifications

  - on "pendingMessagesRemoved" should delete all notifications ALSO
when we ack messages

KNotify on MessageQueue?

QHash <messageId, KNotify*>? delete the correct ones.
update text on first notification? Will that screw up timeouts?


Presence Applet

Dave proposed fix to Martin's patch. Martin fixed it.
Its all now fixed.


Sprint in Randa?
Email sent to Randa sprint people.


Remind martin to remove comments about Genoa in his source code.

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