Telepathy-approver make it do more?

Francesco Nwokeka francesco.nwokeka at
Sun May 29 12:34:52 CEST 2011

Hi fellow devs,
	I'm writing to talk about the telepathy-approver. What does it do in it's current state? For 
what I know, the approver just handles incoming text chats. Well that's a too little job for my 
So what I propose is to make it a deamon that handles common things between the kde-telepathy 
components. These "common" things may be for example the kde-tp -> system notifications comunication. 
Right now the contact list and chat handler both have this integrated in their code. Why write the 
same code twice when we could write it once and use the approver for it so that both contactlist and 
chat handler handle more important stuff?
Doing things this way will let other components take advantage of what the approver has to offer.

What do you guys think about this?


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