GSoC students - evaluations next week

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Wed Jun 21 21:42:32 UTC 2017

Hello students, as you are probably all aware, first evaluations are next week.

NOW IS THE TIME to touch base with your mentor and team if anything is
hindering you from reaching your first monthly milestones. This
includes all problems, no matter whose "fault" they are. We know you
are working hard for your team, and the greater KDE community, and we
want to work with you and for you, in return.

If you feel uncomfortable going directly to your mentor with something
personal, please contact us admins at kde-soc-management at We
can be your voice.

Besides buffing your code, commenting, tests, etc. please also ensure
that your blogs are up-to-date and appearing on the KDE Planet, and
that those posts and all other relevant material are on your reporting
space at:

I kept losing this link, so I created a new little section on the main
KDE GSoC page just for you:



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