GSoC: First evaluations soon!

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Sat Jun 17 00:01:42 UTC 2017

Hi students, I'm sure it has not escaped your attention that
evaluations happen soon.

I hope that you are using your time in GSoC not just to do some
coding, but to improve your practice. When you notice that "the way
you've always done it" is less than stellar, please use that
opportunity to improve whether in coding, in communication, or use of
KDE infra. We all know how hard it is to change habits! So while you
are new here, follow best practices, and make good habits.

Comment youir code, write tests as you go, and work on user
documentation or API dox or whatever else is appropriate as you go
along. Don't wait until the end! Don't use Github, instead of KDE
infra! This is the time to learn to use KDE infra, blog regularly, and
keep your reporting up-to-date on,

26th June First evaluations are due. Students must be regularly
communicating with mentors, regularly committing code, and regularly
communicating with the KDE community to pass this first evaluation.

As always, please respond on this list for everything but very
personal issues; for those use kde-soc-management at, not me



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