More GSOC ideas

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Fri Mar 16 19:34:31 UTC 2012

2012/3/14 heathmatlock <heathmatlock at>:

> mouse and keyboard. It's also faster to have the windows tiled in a
> manner which allows you to access information faster by glancing
additional question: do you require the automatic tiling (rearranging
clients when one is added or removed) or do you tend to / prefer
arranging the desktop yourself?

> functionality. I realize KDE has tiling, it's the reason I decided to
> give it a go, but it's in no way the same or optimal. I appreciate the
> underlying work, but from what I can tell it's lacking the basic
> ability to tile a window on the upper or lower half of the screen with
> the other windows tiled below or above respectively (i.e. column view
> rotated 90 degrees)
are you talking about quick tiling or the latter added actual tiling
here (which just lacks layouts)?

> and the ability to move windows with the keyboard.
no idea whether they work but such shortcuts should exist (with
generic "move window left" etc. names)


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