Kamion status report

Milan Mitrovic milhouse at bankerinter.net
Thu Sep 1 21:06:25 CEST 2005


last week has been really tough on me... I had a lot of work to do for 
college, and I had some family problems that took a lot of time. In spite of 
that I finished the basic functionality of Kamion, and started refactoring 
the code.

Here is what can be done with Kamion right now.

When you start Kamion you can chose to pack or unpack data for transport.
If you want to pack the data, Kamion first reads the definition files for 
resources that can be moved. It presents you with a list, and packs the 
selected resources in a .kamion file (.tar.gz). If you chose to unpack data, 
you select the file to read the data from, you are also presented with the 
list of resources so you can chose what you wish to install, and finally the 
files get copied/merged into your account.

The resources are defined in files with the following format
  <name>Name of the resource</name>
  <app>app name</app>
  <version>app version</version>
  <icon>the icon to show for the resource</icon>
    <file>path/to/file</file> <!-- you can move files -->
    <config>/path/to/configfile</config> <!-- configs (they get merged) -->
    <tree>path/to/dir</tree> <!-- directories -->
    <file><config-entry file="path/to/config" group="groupName" 
key="keyName" /></file> <!-- you can read paths from a config file -->
<!-- group name and key name can be regexps so you can select multiple files 
like this -->
  <optional> <!-- you can have any number of these -->
    <config group="groupName" exclude="true">path/to/file</config> <!-- you 
can exclude groups from previously included files -->
    <config group="gName" key="kName" exclude="true">path/to/file</config> 
<!-- or keys -->
<!-- group name or key name can be regexps so you can select multiple 
keys/groups at once -->
<!-- or just include a few groups from a file that you don't want to move -->
    <file exclude="true">path/to/file</path>

That is a little bit more than I stated in the project proposal, but still not 
enough for the more complicated use cases (like all issues with merging with 
an existing account) to work like they should.

And the plan for next week... Ahhh... vacation... I'm road tripin' with my two 
favorite allies :) (one of them also a soc participant) visiting the 
mountains, some rafting :), and a little bit of swimming in the sea... And 
when I get back...

Finish the refactoring of the code and doxygen docs to make it easy for !me to 
understand it :)
Chose a plan on how to tackle subgroups of related data in resources (think 
about moving only a couple of mail folders and mail filters that have 
something to do with them)
Release Kamion to the public and start getting bug reports, flame and fame :)
And go on and implement all of the above...

One question... Although I didn't ask my mentors for much help, their 
suggestions helped a lot, and concerning the fact that I'm still going to 
need it... maybe even more than I did so far... Can I keep bothering you 
guys? :) You are not getting paid for helping the last two months... why not 
keep not getting paid for the next few months :)

Ok... not kidding any more... Thank you guys. Hope to keep seeing you around.

Milan Mitrovic
|  roses are #FF0000  |
| violets are #0000FF |
|     all my base     |
|  are belong to you  |

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