kamion status report

Michael Brade brade at kde.org
Mon Aug 29 20:53:00 CEST 2005

Hi Milan,

sorry for reading this only now, this mail got lost in the masses of mail 
(i.e. >2300) I got after I left Germany on the 19th till two days ago when I 
got back onto the net.

> I still have a few silly problems hanging around, like for example, writing
> to config files. This somehow refuses to work. isReadOnly returns false,
> configFileWritable returns true, and everything else I could think of
> checking looks fine, but the file still doesn't get written.
I have just seen your commit that you finished the basic functionality, so I 
guess this problem is solved. If not, remember that you need to delete the 
KConfig object or call ::sync() on it to actually write the stuff to disk.

Hope that helps,
Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'
  °--web: http://www.kde.org/people/michaelb.html

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