kamion status report

Milan Mitrovic milhouse at bankerinter.net
Mon Aug 29 21:49:55 CEST 2005

> I have just seen your commit that you finished the basic functionality, so
> I guess this problem is solved. If not, remember that you need to delete
> the KConfig object or call ::sync() on it to actually write the stuff to
> disk.

yes I figured that out right away, but that wasn't the problem. KConfig 
doesn't support deletion... for some reason... and you can't open files that 
are not in the app's standard dirs in a reasonable way... Finding a way to 
work around that took a LOT of time... the solution was pointed out by 
Martijn. Apparently you can use KSimpleConfig to do both these things 
easily... I missed it cause I thought that a _simple_ config wouldn't have 
some functionality that is _not_ in KConfig.

So everything is fine now... Thanks for the trouble :)

Milan Mitrovic
|  roses are #FF0000  |
| violets are #0000FF |
|     all my base     |
|  are belong to you  |

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