[Kde-scm-interest] New life in kdesdk-migration-to-git :) (was: Re: Layout of "lokalize" and "kompare" git repos with plugins integrated (was: Re: Forming repos by plugin type or code domain?))

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Wed Dec 19 23:28:01 UTC 2012

Sebastian Dörner wrote:
> For kompare, we agreed on a layout, and this is implemented now.
> As far as I know, no progress has been made about lokalize. The last
> relevant email is the one quoted by Jeremy:
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-sdk-devel/2012-June/000066.html
> At the time, I must have missed it, as it's not in my inbox. Currently, I
> don't quite know what it's supposed to mean. "I'm for this layout" is
> written below the layout of SVN, which is obviously going away. I guess it
> means we should keep the analyzers separate?
> If so, the lokalize repo should be fine. But then we need to update the
> rules for strigi-analyzers, because currently they still contain the
> diff-analyzer from Kompare (which is now in the kompare repo). If OTOH we
> put the analyzers into lokalize, then the lokalize rules must be updated
> for that.
> In any case, we still seem to lack a clear decision :(

Now I have to wonder whether it makes sense to move the diff analyzer into 
Kompare if the others are staying separate. Since the discussion in June, 
the future of Strigi has also started looking much less central to KDE, due 
to the new nepomuk indexers. If Lokalize agrees to carry the localization-
related analyzers, it makes sense to have the diff one in Kompare, but 
otherwise I'm not so sure anymore.

        Kevin Kofler

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