desktop problems

Jud Craft craftjml at
Thu Jul 31 20:55:26 CEST 2008

There are many problems with the version of KDE4 that shipped with Fedora 9,
it being from the earlier releases of KDE4.

Try checking which version of KDE.  Open up a terminal or a Dolphin window
(try typing ALT-F2, then 'konsole', then press enter) and go to the Help
menu and select "About KDE".  This will tell you what version of KDE you are

According to the thread above, stable KDE 4.1 packages have
not yet shipped for Fedora 9.  They are currently only available in the
updates-testing repository.  The thread mentions how to install them.

Stable KDE 4.1 updates will come to Fedora in a few days (according to
Fedora's own KDE information page, available at

You can install the testing updates, but you should probably wait until the
normal updates become available.  Once you update to KDE 4.1, this should
solve many of your panel and desktop issues.  The implementation of Plasma
available in KDE 4.0.3 (which shipped with F9) has many glitches.  As for
the "black panel", that is a feature of KDE.

The "clutter of icons on right" refers to the junk in the system tray.  The
system tray in KDE4 is not polished well, so it looks a little ugly.  In
Fedora 9, however, the icons look even worse.  I do not know why.  This
seems specific to F9 and occurred in my own installations.  On OpenSUSE
11.0, KDE4 does not have the problems with the icons in the system tray.
Hopefully updating to KDE 4.1 will fix this.

As for the "unable to enumerate USB devices" at startup, I do not know the
solution to that.  I have the same error messages myself, but I run the
GNOME environment on F9, and it has caused no serious problems.
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