Better default toolbar setting

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau Friedrich.W.H at
Mon Sep 4 22:59:21 CEST 2006

Am Montag, 4. September 2006 22:40, schrieb Iñaki:
> Possible solutions:
> - a) Text in two lines.
> - b) Set a maximun icon width and truncate the excedded text (and show it
> as tooltip when mouse over).
> - c) Hide the text and show it in a cool way (maybe appearing below the
> icon) just when mouse over.
d) add a third text attribute to actions which holds a short keyword that is 
meaningful within the context.

If there isn't one in a language, use the english one or that of a more 
favourable language. Native speaker which are protesting against cultural 
imperialism should be advised to help out by delivering a suiting native one, 
and if it is a new, made up one :P

In how many languages is Mac OSX translated? They should have the same problem 
regarding to text below icons IIUC.


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