Konqueror for a New Experience (mockup)

jos poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Tue Mar 14 12:03:09 CET 2006

Op maandag 13 maart 2006 05:19, schreef Micah Wylde:
> That's really impressive, and there are a lot of great ideas in there
> (especially the sidebar in file-view mode; very nice). However, I don't
> really like the idea of hiding the menu by default. I think that that's
> something that most people will be using regularly enough that you don't
> want it by default accessible only by an extra mouse click.

have a look how vista solved this: it will take some getting-used-to, but it's 
all there - they put all important stuff in a few small menu things on the 
right, and all other stuff in the sidebar's and toolbar. it's a clever thing 
(one of the few things vista did right). MS Office 12 has some cool ideas 
too, i had a M$ guy explain me vista's and esp Office 12's ideas for more 
than a hour, and it was really really interesting.

> --
> Micah Wylde

Q:	What do you call a blind, deaf-mute, quadraplegic Virginian?
A:	Trustworthy.
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