A forward look at KDE4 (was: "A look at GNOME 2.14...")

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at chch.ox.ac.uk
Wed Feb 22 10:20:01 CET 2006

> In a way we can start from scratch here. Wouldn't that be a much
> more productive and rewarding disussion to have?

Exactly right, and while we're on the topic of productive and rewarding 
discussions, let's take a look back at this thread, and see what we can 

1. "I do/don't use/like this/that feature" discussions don't get us very far. 
We all use a different subset of features, so comparing personal anecdotes 
doesn't help much. The usability experts can tell us about how to do 
professional and complete user testing, to find out which features have 
usability problems (eg, not discoverable, mislabelled) and provide a 
(somewhat) scientific basis to go forward. If you'd like to do some user 
testing, tell the list, and we'll try to find the necessary info.

2. "Don't say 'we should', say 'I will.' "[1]. I count over 50 messages in 
this thread, from many authors, but only one person actually *doing* any work 
(viz, Aaron's patch). I don't need to explain which of those (the discussion 
or the patch) will make more difference to the users of KDE 3.5.
	This list is the place to say "I want to ..., what do I need to know?", so if 
you have an itch to scratch, tell us, and someone will step up and tell you 
what you can do.

So, in summary, there *is* room for improvement, and the best way to help that 
improvement come about is to put in the work. The existing KDE developers are 
able and willing to help you get started, so get involved!


1. http://www.kde.org/whatiskde/devmodel.php
KDE Documentation Team: http://i18n.kde.org/doc
KDE Documentation Online: http://docs.kde.org
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