Fwd: Fwd: noob

Will Entriken kde.org at phor.net
Wed Aug 16 20:18:50 CEST 2006

> [SNIP]

I was just updating trunk.html and I noticed that someone deleted
unstable.html which explained kde3.5 compilation. Maybe that belongs
under Older Versions.

But if you don't want people building 3.5 anymore that's great because
we can then kill the behemoth
http://quality.kde.org/develop/cvsguide/buildstep.php rather than
parsing out any useful kde3.5 building advice.

So basically I'm asking, which is it?


Also, as for the bigger picture, this is what I think should happen
(read: I'm willing to do). There should be one page "Get Involved"
that is the hub for getting started. This has categories like
developer, accessibility, quality, ... and each page then provides
more choices.

At developer.kde.org, instead of those links, you have workflow
oriented pages like: KDE Developing 101, Development Documentation,
Development Tools.

All these organizational pages can live in kde.org/jobs or
quality.kde.org/hub or /welcome

All generated documentation can be moved to doc.kde.org

Also, every page should have someone listed that will answer stupid
noob questions (i volunteer)

This part of the site is very important because it gets more people
involved who would otherwise be detered by the learning curve. I think
every page should have a feedback button at the bottom that mails the
page maintainer. Also for parts of the site that are being
specifically focused on, we can show a div at the top of the page
begging every 10th/100th/1000th user for feedback.

To let you know I'm dead serious about this, I'm including these
bitchin icons I made for the first page.

Let me know if you think this is a waste or if I should get started.

- Will Entriken

Shout me in #kde-edu about this
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