Make it easier for contributors to edit bugs

Michael Jahn michael.linux at
Sat Jul 3 22:28:14 CEST 2004


I think it should be made a little easier for users to get permissions to edit 
bugs. I found this at the Quality Team homepage[1]:

"Only after acquiring more knowledge on the application and on KDE Bugzilla 
system, you may ask for rights to confirm bug reports and close non 
verifiable ones."

And this is from our wiki[2]:

"Ask a developer for rights to confirm bug reports or after you're a bit known 
for rights to edit all aspects of any bugs."

I think it is a good idea to not give them these rights immediately thereby 
turning away unserious contributors. However I also think that a lot of users 
have a moral barrier to ask someone for more privileges, especially when a 
specific (email) address for this purpose is not stated. The interested user 
would have to research this address and write an email to a person they've 
probably never written to (I would feel almost like a spammer). And I would 
also find it awkward to go into an IRC channel and ask 'can I please have 
more rights'. So the simple solution would be to put up a form, an email 
address or just tell them specifically where to ask (maybe this mailing 

Michael Jahn


PS: That is what I wanted to search in the archives. If this has been 
discussed before I am sorry.

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