Promoting GnuPG support for Okular and addition to Gpg4win

Andre Heinecke aheinecke at
Fri Jun 9 14:34:27 BST 2023


On Thursday, 01 June 2023 13:05:18 CEST Paul Brown wrote:
> Ah, yes! I could not find a link to the AppImage. Is it available only for 
> customers? If so, could you provide me a link so I can test run it here and 
> talk about it in the docs with first hand experience?

No the AppImage will be downloadable from
index.html under GnuPG Binary releases. We call this one "GnuPG Desktop" 
without the VS (to increase confusion ;-) ) and it comes in the exact versions 
as our Gpg4win binaries.

The AppImage is not yet done though but we have seriously started on that, 
originally we planned to release for Windows without it and only provide it a 
bit later but due to the delays we have on the Windows side the AppImage will 
be ready for testing and screenshots and so on before the Windows release 

> I am grabbing media from your site we may want to use. I will make a list of 
> the stuff we would still need as I go.

Sorry I could not deliver anything this week as I personally was sidetracked 
by too many other issues.
But to give you a heads up. Our release will be delayed by at least a month. 
We are now looking more for early july when we originally targeted end of May. 

So we are not under stress here and this will give us more time to iron things 
out. Both for Okular, but mostly on some other larger technical fronts we are 
opening up with our new release.

Best Regards,

-- - a brand of g10 Code, the GnuPG experts.

g10 Code GmbH, Erkrath/Germany, AG Wuppertal HRB14459
GF Werner Koch, USt-Id DE215605608,

GnuPG e.V., Rochusstr. 44, D-40479 Düsseldorf.  VR 11482 Düsseldorf
Vorstand: W.Koch, B.Reiter, A.Heinecke        Mail: board at
Finanzamt D-Altstadt, St-Nr: 103/5923/1779.   Tel: +49-211-28010702
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