Promoting GnuPG support for Okular and addition to Gpg4win

Paul Brown paul.brown at
Thu Jun 1 12:05:18 BST 2023

On Thursday, 1 June 2023 11:55:52 CEST Andre Heinecke wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On Tuesday 30 May 2023 21:32:56 CEST Paul Brown wrote:
> > As promised, I have worked on a press release and a dot article and I am
> > attaching drafts for both. Please do not hesitate to add comments,
> > corrections
> > or suggestions to the documents so we can work them in and create final,
> > publishable drafts.
> Thanks a lot for your work already! It is truly appreciated and we very much
> like the drafts already. The biggest issue in our discussions was how to
> clarify between Gpg4win/GnuPG VS-Desktop or even mention the AppImage for
> Linux users.

Ah, yes! I could not find a link to the AppImage. Is it available only for 
customers? If so, could you provide me a link so I can test run it here and 
talk about it in the docs with first hand experience?

> Esp. since most dot readers I expect would be interested in the AppImage so
> that they can try it out directly if they want.
> > Any additions, please clearly flag them us such, so we don't overlook
> > them.
> I doubt that I can provide more regarding your requests and additional media
> before Monday, but we will also not finish a release this week as we had
> hoped, because of the usual release problems.  Just wanted to give a quick
> thanks and "We are working on it" Status so you know that it has been
> received :)

I am grabbing media from your site we may want to use. I will make a list of 
the stuff we would still need as I go.


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