[Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <boiko@mandriva.com>] Fwd: Re: 2006Desktop - Second part

Goffioul Michael goffioul at imec.be
Mon Jul 18 10:33:31 CEST 2005

> > >>>following: 1) The filter selection interface is not user 
> friendly (it
> > >>> took me a considerable time to understand it 
> correctly). You need to
> > >>> select a filter, then add it, the click on it in the 
> applied filters
> > >>> list and then click on the configure button to adjust 
> the properties.
> > >>> The filter I choose was the multiple pages per sheet one.

Double-clicking on the filter item is faster, it directly opens
the filter dialog. But for the rest of the process, I don't know
how you could save other steps.

> > >>>2) Margin configuration is simply stupid, because it 
> first apply the
> > >>>margin settings and then apply the filters. This is a 
> big problem when
> > >>>using filters like the one I have used (multiple pages), 
> because it
> > >>>inverts the orientation of the page (when you put two 
> pages in a sheet),
> > >>>and then the botton of the page becomes unprintable (as 
> my printer can't
> > >>>print in the last two centimeters of the page).
> > >>>3) If you want to preview the printing, you need to go 
> to File->Print
> > >>> and then configure everything you need and choose the option for
> > >>> previewing instead of printing. That is not easy for 
> the user. The
> > >>> worst part is that there is programs that have the 
> print preview option
> > >>> (so for each application you have a different way of 
> previewing the
> > >>> pages, that's bad). 

That's an application issue. You can't control an application from
kdeprint and the print content is the responsability of the application
only. From the kdeprint point of view, there's nothing else it could

>>>4) Now kdeprint is unmaintained (there is a
> > >>> volunteer for that if I remember correctly), and even 
> when it was
> > >>> maintained it was not activelly developed.

It has been actively developed during the first years. However, it's
difficult to find someone to take my job as developers have usually
no interest in printing stuff. Only users do, but they are not developers.
I'm glad Cristian has volunteered to continue the work on kdeprint.


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