kmail uses letter for a print on a4

Herbert Engelmann Herbert.Engelmann at
Fri Jul 11 12:46:11 CEST 2003

Am Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2003 17:31 schrieb Michael Goffioul:
> > I click on Systemoptionen (system options?) and then on cups-server,
> > then I can change from localhost to the remote server and vice versa.
> Right.
> > I see the Driver-tab on the remote server, but not at localhost.
> That's not normal, you should see a driver tab if you have a PPD
> file installed for that printer. Maybe it's due to default access
> restriction in CUPS. Edit the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file and
> 1) set "ServerName" to "localhost"
> or
> 2) in the root resource definition (which starts with
>    "<Location />"), add a line like
> Allow From @LOCAL
> or
> Allow From 134.78.98.* (use your actual subnet)
> Then restart the CUPS server.
> > The margins are not the same. Do you suggest I change them? Can I
> > change them globally?
> Try first to get a "Driver" tab locally first, otherwise it's
> normal that margins are not the same.
> Michael.

Dear Michael,

thank you.

I did as you told me and saw how I can change the margins interactively.
I also get the driver tab locally. So far so good. 

What I still do not know is, how can I set the margins globally for the 
remote server, so that not every user has to set them? I did set them
with: lpoptions -o page-left=50 -p <printer>. This works for xpp, but
not for kprinter.

A second question:

I saw that there are different tabs in kprinter if I start it from kmail
or from mozilla.

Under kmail I get:

"general  margins  driver  filter"

Under mozilla I get:

"general  image  text  HP-GL/2  driver  filter"

Where does that difference come from?


H. Engelmann, 089-289-28836, engelmann at

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