advert on webcvs

Navindra Umanee navindra at
Wed Feb 25 01:08:34 CET 2004

Michael Matz <matz at> wrote:
> > > > Personally, I'm sick of all these "issues" with hosting stuff on
> > > >  While I hate ads and want them to go away, I think turning
> > > > away stuff like the KDE Wiki, KDE Blog, People Behind KDE interviews
> > > > is pathetic.
> you of course mix some topics (namely ads and unspecific "issues", one 
> example being People Behind KDE probably) in this, but you clearly say 
> that having for instance a KDE Wiki with ads is better than not having 
> one. 

Maybe you haven't followed the discussions which highlighted the
issues.  Most of these discussions (re: Wiki, Blog) happened on
kde-www, some in private, and none of them had to do with ads.  There
was some discussion about ads however when we were considering as a app repository.

I was pleasantly surprised about the existence of and
would hope this precedent opens the door for KDE Wiki, KDE Blog and
KDE People.  Just like GNOME can host, we too should
be able to support community content without so much fuss.

> Anyway, then Harri turned the point somewhat:

Harri just brought up one of the issues.

Since you so want me to defend ads though, it's perhaps true that they
are unavoidable. has high costs associated with it, so
you're right that we should carefully consider the pros and cons.
Having ads where unavoidable could be a small cost to pay.

Btw, I remember carrying ads a long time back and was
probably one of the first to complain about it.


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