advert on webcvs

Michael Matz matz at
Wed Feb 25 00:38:42 CET 2004


On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Navindra Umanee wrote:

> Wrong.  Look at the context you're quoting.  I'm not talking about
> ads.  

Sure you were, please reread your own words.  To make this easier I 
requote the whole paragraph:

> > > Personally, I'm sick of all these "issues" with hosting stuff on
> > >  While I hate ads and want them to go away, I think turning
> > > away stuff like the KDE Wiki, KDE Blog, People Behind KDE interviews
> > > is pathetic.

you of course mix some topics (namely ads and unspecific "issues", one 
example being People Behind KDE probably) in this, but you clearly say 
that having for instance a KDE Wiki with ads is better than not having 
one.  Anyway, then Harri turned the point somewhat:

> >
> > Well, similar to KDE applications having a unified look&feel it's not
> > far fetched to seek for consistency among KDE web pages as well.
> This is a sad excuse indeed to turn away KDE Wiki, KDE Blog and People
> Behind KDE!  KDE should really lighten up about that.

I of course assumed you still are of the above opinion and were again 
refering to "issues" including ads.


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