advert on webcvs

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Tue Feb 24 23:34:07 CET 2004

On Tuesday 24 February 2004 23:08, Navindra Umanee wrote:

> > > Hey this is fantastic.  Tink recently complained of how troublesome it
> Only because of interference from KDE e.V. (or some of its members) if
> I recall correctly.


Oh, a lot of hearsay and obfuscation. always a great way to start a good 
flamewar :)

> Otherwise without the interference, she would 
> have been happy to host it there.

I think Tink would know the reasons for her decisions the best, so lets not 
speculate over it. 

> This is a sad excuse indeed to turn away KDE Wiki, KDE Blog and People
> Behind KDE!  KDE should really lighten up about that.

people behind KDE runs ads?

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