advert on webcvs

Navindra Umanee navindra at
Tue Feb 24 23:34:32 CET 2004

Michael Matz <matz at> wrote:
> > > Well, similar to KDE applications having a unified look&feel it's not far
> > > fetched to seek for consistency among KDE web pages as well.
> > 
> > This is a sad excuse indeed to turn away KDE Wiki, KDE Blog and People
> > Behind KDE!  KDE should really lighten up about that.
> If that's your idea of lighten up, then no, it shouldn't.  No banners on 
> * is very reasonable, and if that means, that there is no
>, well, so be it.  We still can link to or 
> whatever, but there is no reason to make it a domain.

Wrong.  Look at the context you're quoting.  I'm not talking about


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