Icon Removal (was: Re: Icons in kdelib)

Kenneth Wimer wimer at suse.de
Sun Oct 5 19:54:22 CEST 2003

* Martijn Klingens <martijn at martijn.homeip.net> [Oct 05. 2003 13:32]:
> On Sunday 05 October 2003 12:15, Marc Mutz wrote:
> > Icon removal should be considered equivalent to removing kdelibs methods
> > or classes: You can't do that in a stable series and if you do it for
> > KDE 4, you have to document how to do the porting.
> Yes, I agree here. Even though it's a bad idea to use kdelibs icons 'as is' 
> inside apps (they might be redrawn and look entirely different, no longer 
> serving the purpose for your app's action) it still happens all over the 
> place and indeed the kdelibs icons should IMO be considered a crude form of 
> 'public API'.

I agree as well. The biggest problem facing me is that I have just
started taking care of the icons and, although I know tackat very well
personally, I evidently have no clue how he named the icons. It appears
that of the 162 icons that I removed, the ones that directly effect
kmail, are the inbox, outbox, and sent-mail folder icons. I actually see
a good reason to include these in kdelibs - there might be other
programs that use such icons.

So or so, the missing icons are being drawn as we speak, sort of :-)


Kenneth Wesley Wimer II
Graphical Consultant

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