violation of GPL for solaris binaries

Scott Wheeler wheeler at
Mon Nov 3 01:07:10 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 03 November 2003 0:46, Stefan Teleman wrote:
> That would be very cool to do -- put all the forte fixes in HEAD. It 
> is a lot of work, but i love doing it. It would also make my life 
> much easier for subsequent releases, because i would not have to 
> re-apply all the forte fixes from scratch.

Ok, sysadmin folks -- do you see something for Stefan in the backlogs?  Could 
someone just take a look to see if there's something around there?  If not 
I'm sure you guys can work out the details to get the account created...

> At the same time i do realize that the core developers might be uneasy 
> about letting me check in source code when they've never seen my code 
> (well ok, maybe they've seen the Sun binaries, does that count :-) 
> So, if you would like to have some temporary area where i can check 
> them in the beginning, instead of slamming them directly into HEAD, 
> that's cool too.

That's what core-devel is for.  If there's a patch that you're not comfortable 
just committing, send it there to get someone to look over it.

And if a bad patch or two slips in it won't be the first or last time for that 
to happen.  ;-)  Don't worry -- you'll be appropriately flamed at the 
time.  :-)

Ok, so seems like this is all worked out and I'd just assume call the issue 
done as far as the list is concerned and the remaining stuff can be worked 
out off list (account creation, posting of patches).

- -Scott

- -- 
I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb 
as the next guy. 
- --Richard Feynman
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