Fwd: Hayes

Andreas Pour kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 18:30:28 -0600

Harri Porten wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Andreas Pour wrote:
> > I am talking about "accountability".  This means, you don't just elect someone
> > and then he is dictator and gets to do whatever he wants.  That is not and never
> > will be KDE.
> Agreed.
> > This is also not an issue of PR versus developers.  This is an issue
> > of respecting contributors and people with leadership positions acting
> > in the best interests of KDE.
> OK. But it seems we have to put this issue at rest until you bring forward
> concrete facts about the problems you are hinting at (and all other's
> don't know about).

Here you say I should bring forward concrete facts . . . .

[ ... ]

> And the announcement of an
> indictment (rather than voicing concerns in time) might indeed look
> immature to the rest of us.

and here you say it is immature to do that.

I made it a future announcement b/c I was seeking the right forum and also
wanted to explain that I will follow up with the substance of my complaint.

> My point is that the project as a whole isn't served
> at all by 1-2 people's private vendetta. 

It's not a private vendetta.  The issue as I see it is as follows.  Dirk
asserted control over what I do - and I do as much for KDE as he does, not that
this should matter, all contributions should be respected for the project to be
successful.  I rejected his efforts at control.  So he made a KDE release
without my stuff.

Analogy:  I'm RC, I order David around telling him to write KWord.  He is
responsible and tries not to bother others with my stupidity so he privately
tells me, sorry, etc.  But I keep insisting that I have final control over his
project and all other projects, not b/c I am RC but b/c I say so, and even when
I am not RC I shall have such control.  David, still politely and privately,
tells me I am full of it.  I keep badgering David, in emails and on IRC. 
Finally David tells me to fuck off.  I then promptly release a KDE without

That is what I see, by analogy, happened here.  If that is acceptable behavior
for KDE, fine, I will quit this project and start another one, and we will see
who, if anyone, cares to work under these rules.   I personally think Dirk will
be left by himself b/c nobody cares to have him tell them their business.  Not
you, not me.

