Fwd: Hayes

Neil Stevens kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:10:18 -0800

Hash: SHA1

On Monday January 27, 2003 01:37, Andreas Pour wrote:
> Hi,
> Harri, sorry to say, I disagree very much that the release coordinator
> should have final say in this.  As I think everyone knows, I have zero
> confidence in the current release maintainer.  If any issue of mine were
> left to be resolved by him, it would be not resolved, b/c I have no
> confidence in his actions, and no respect for him as a person.
> The only way any group is going to function is if the institutions have
> legitimacy.  When Dirk has so abused his position, then it is incumbent
> to strongly rebuke him or to remove him from office.  If this does not
> happen, the position loses its legitimacy.  In my opinion the position
> has lost its legitimacy, so long as Dirk is in it.

Um, Isn't Stephan Kulow the 3.2 coordinator?  And wasn't he in effect=20
democratically chosen, becuase there would have been an election had=20
anyone else volunteered?

=2D --=20
Neil Stevens - neil@qualityassistant.com
"Distinctions by race are so evil, so arbitrary and insidious that a
state bound to defend the equal protection of the laws must not allow
them in any public sphere." -- Thurgood Marshall
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