Marc Mutz kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 21:00:59 +0100

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On Thursday 06 February 2003 20:37, Richard Moore wrote:
> Definitely. I for one, will not assign my copyright to anyone else. I
> do not trust the FSF at all - they have changed what they say the GPL
> means time and again, and I have no faith that even future GPL
> versions will match what I want. I have removed the 'future versions'
> clause from some of my code already, and I will do so for the rest
> should this become
> policy.

1. FSF (NA) !=3D FSF Europe
2. Read the FLA before trying to comment on it, _please_. You'd have=20
noticed that you retain all use rights, esp. are free to re-license the=20
code and re-use it anywhere you want. There's nothing that effectively=20
changes for you, except that your code is cared for in court and if you=20
lose interest or die. The contract becomes void if the FSF doesn't act=20
on your behalf, etc, etc.

3. The question is not to assign your rights to the FSF(E), but to _KDE=20
e.V._ of which you are apparently a member. That the e.V. delegates the=20
enforcement of the (L)GPL for you to the FSFE would just be a needed=20
workaround for the fact that the e.V. is not yet equipped to enforce it=20
itself. If you don't trust the e.V., then why are you are member?


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier...just as
long as I'm the dictator...
=2D- George W. Bush, Washington, DC, Dec 18, 2000,
   during his first trip to Washington as President-Elect

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Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

