Adding a page for companies offering commercial support

Daniel Molkentin molkentin at
Wed Apr 16 19:38:06 CEST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 16 April 2003 17:38, Scott Wheeler wrote:
>Another thing to consider is what you're willing to call a "company".  There
>are a lot of KDE folks that do some sort of contracting, but I think it's
>probably useful to distinguish between i.e. KDAB and "Wheeler & Co., Inc."

Actually It would be Klaräldalens Datakonsult _AB_ vs. Scott Wheeler 
_nothing_, which makes it pretty clear I think :)

>I don't know the laws in a lot of countries, but something like actually
> being recognized as a company rather than just a freelancer might be useful
> for that.  Potentially you could even maintain a list of "companies" and
> "private consultants", but that's up to you.

For now that's too much of a hassle. I think companies should step in as 
proxies for larger projects anyway. For small things, I could act as trustee 
similar the way you do with adopt-a-geek and bring people in contact with 
companies. If that becomes too much work, I should reconsider that, but let's 
see if somebody uses that way at all. I won't do the actual contracts though, 
especially because IANAL.

Still this is a step I'd like to delay. Nove Hrady seems to be a good place to 
extend this beyond companies. Let's collect experience until then.

>Also the downside to all of this is that it will increase competition
> between KDE contributors.  I think this is a reasonable risk, but I thought
> I'd just throw it out for consideration.

I prefer competition over loosing all commercial desktop competence to Ximian 
(and hence, gnome). KDE effectively lacks infrastructure here. Plus I hope 
that KDE related companies continue to work as syndicates (see Kroupware, 
etc) and do a good part of mindshare.

The description for each company should also point out competences in KDE and 
some more infos so the reader gets a better picture.


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