Adding a page for companies offering commercial support

Scott Wheeler wheeler at
Wed Apr 16 18:38:03 CEST 2003

Quoting Daniel Molkentin <molkentin at>: 
> A company qualifies by either contributing to KDE on a regular basis or by  
> having successfully done a project incorporating the developer community  
> (i.e. work together with application maintainers). 
Another thing to consider is what you're willing to call a "company".  There 
are a lot of KDE folks that do some sort of contracting, but I think it's 
probably useful to distinguish between i.e. KDAB and "Wheeler & Co., Inc."  
I don't know the laws in a lot of countries, but something like actually being 
recognized as a company rather than just a freelancer might be useful for 
that.  Potentially you could even maintain a list of "companies" and "private 
consultants", but that's up to you. 
Also the downside to all of this is that it will increase competition between 
KDE contributors.  I think this is a reasonable risk, but I thought I'd just 
throw it out for consideration. 

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