Voting rights - the GNOME way

Navindra Umanee
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 04:18:47 -0500

Zack Rusin <> wrote:
> developers that serve the purpose of CVS sheriffs. Elections would 
> determine who will take those positions. Voting would be limited to 
> people with CVS accounts and people taking a part in elections would 
> have to demonstrate significant commitment to KDE project. 

Like Vadim, as soon as you start talking about elections, I have bad
nightmares!  Let's please not turn into a political circus like the
Debian project or the GNOME Foundation...

I do like the way things seem to sort themselves out right now.  It's
like a refined model of the Linux kernel development model except that
the local dictators have much more power and the global dictator, if
there's ever one, isn't much of one at all except when totally
