September/October KDE PIM summary blog post

laurent Montel montel at
Fri Oct 27 07:59:48 BST 2023

Le vendredi 27 octobre 2023, 08:56:06 CEST laurent Montel a écrit :
> Hi,
> During theses 2 months, I worked mainly to clean up code for qt6 support.
> - Remove pri support unused (removed in framework too)
> - Remove unused qOverload 
> - Port deprecated methods.
> - Make sure to compile without deprecated qt6.6 code.
> - etc.
> - newmailnotification agent: I improved history notification, now we can open 
> mail/folder => when we have a lot of messages we can open specific folder/
>  (see screenshot)
> - kdepim-addons: continue to implement adblock support based on rust code.
> - kmail: I implemented load on demand for widget as 
> tracker widget etc. => not necessary to create all widget if we don't use 
> them.
> Start to implement restore closed messageviewer. => If we close by error an 
> external message viewer, we can restore it. Not necessary to search where 
> message came from.
> - knotes: Fix 475098:KNotes crashes on start (bug 475098)

KTextAddons: local translator engine bergamot: I started to work with 
developper to converting bergamot code as a lib. Now it's named slimt.
I started to migrate plugin to slimt. (It will not necessary (in the future) 
to clone bergamot code, we can use slimt lib).

I continue to implement speech to text support. I worked mainly against vosk-
api engine (local engine). I hope to release a new ktextaddons soon + add 
support in pim component soon.

Thanks all for ktextaddons.

> Regards.
> Le mercredi 25 octobre 2023, 17:54:21 CEST Volker Krause a écrit :
> > Hello everyone,
> > 
> > it's time for the bi-monthly blog post again :)
> > 
> > If you have contributed in September or October, a summary of your most 
> > noteworthy changes would be helpful, bonus points for corresponding 
> > screenshots or links to already existing blog posts. If you noticed 
> something 
> > noteworthy during the past two months, feel free to add that as well of 
> > course!
> > 
> > To help refresh your memories and to make sure we aren't missing anything 
> > important, there's two files attached here, an auto-generated detailed 
> > changelog (this tends to be 30-50% of the commits, using David F's 
> > scripts for KF releases), and basic commit stats for the PIM repositories.
> > 
> > The last post was edited by Dan (
> 2023/2023-09-01-kde-pim-july-august-2023/), any volunteers for this one?
> > 
> > We'd like to place those all on now, so practically this 
> > just an MR against
> > 
> > Thanks for your help!
> > Volker

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