July/August KDE PIM summary blog post

Daniel Vrátil dvratil at kde.org
Tue Aug 29 21:43:23 BST 2023

On Thursday, 24 August 2023 17:24:07 CEST Volker Krause wrote:
> Hello everyone,


> it's time for the bi-monthly blog post again :)
> If you have contributed in July or August, a summary of your most noteworthy
> changes would be helpful, bonus points for corresponding screenshots or
> links to already existing blog posts. If you noticed something noteworthy
> during the past two months, feel free to add that as well of course!
> The last one was edited by me
> (https://volkerkrause.eu/2023/07/05/kde-pim-may-june-2023.html), any
> volunteers for this one?

I'll take this one.

> Note that thanks to Ingo's work this can now also be done on the
> kontact.kde.org blog instead of requiring a personal blog set up and
> aggregated on planet.kde.org, so this is just a merge request to https://
> invent.kde.org/websites/kontact-kde-org away for everyone :)

Should we start reposting all the summary posts to kontact.kde.org blog, even 
if the author originally publishes it on their personal blog (with the 
author's permission and link to the original blog post, of course) , so that 
we have a full history of the reports in one place? Posts eventually disappear 
from Planet KDE, so they become harder to find the further back you want to go.

> Thanks for your help!
> Volker

My contributions:


### Akonadi

After more than a decade, we finally removed our custom fork of the Qt SQLITE 
driver from Akonadi. The fork was initially created to provide better support 
for using SQLite from multiple threads, but SQLite itself has matured over the 
years to a point that the custom code in the fork isn't needed anymore, and so 
we can just use the upstream Qt SQLite driver. This change is backwards 
compatible, so users don't need to take any action or modify their 
configuration. This is yet another step towards making SQLite the default 
backend for Akonadi.

### KOrganizer

In the past two months, Dan has worked on improving event views in KOrganizer. 
He reworked the internals of all event views, so that instead of merging all 
user's calendars into a single huge calendar which then gets displayed, each 
event view now supports displaying contents of multiple independent calendars. 
This way, if two calendars contain the same event, the event now gets 
correctly displayed in both calenars - previously only one instance would 
randomly get displayed, as the other one was removed from the huge merged 
calendar as it was considered a duplicate. This is a fairly common situation 
when a user is subscribed to their colleague's calendar and they both receive 
invitation to the same meeting, in which case the same event will be present 
in both their calendars.

![Agenda multi-view showing two calendars with identical meeting invitation]

* Fixed recurrent events that were planned during DST showing incorrect time 
when DST ended ([Bug 460186](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=460186))
* Copying or moving an event by mouse in the agenda view no longer loses 
timezone information ([Bug 448703](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?
* Sending a counter-proposal to an invitation uses the correct identity and 
sender ([Bug 458524](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458524))
* Fixed the Akonadi iCal Directory Resource not storing any events in the 
directory ([Bug 436693](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=436693))

### KMail

* Added support for deleting all attachments from selected messages ([T6577]



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