September/October KDE PIM summary blog post

Glen Ditchfield GJDitchfield at
Sat Oct 23 03:33:51 BST 2021

## KOrganizer
* The Incidence Editor does not create duplicates of tags.  (Bug 441846)
* The lists used in the Event View and the Find dialog do not 
automatically re-sort themselves by starting date when the incidence 
editor alters an item.  (Bug 441530)
* The user's sorting preferences for the Event View and the Find dialog 
are preserved just like other preferences.
* When an item that is displayed in the Find dialog changes in some way, 
the information displayed in the dialog updates instantly.
* The labels and tooltip help in the Find dialog has been improved.
* The Agenda View does not use the "due today" color for completed to-
dos.  (Bug 122776)
* The To-do List View now has a "Completed Date" column.  (Bug 374774)
* The Month View uses the current theme's colors to highlight the 
current date and the selected date, instead of grey.  (Bug 420515)
* The Month View displays events in a more compact layout that avoids 
unsightly gaps around multi-day events.  (Bug 435667)
* The Month View displays multi-day holidays like multi-day events, 
instead of as several single-day events.  (Bug 187116)
* All of the days of multi-day holidays are colored as holidays in the 
Agenda View, the Month View, and print-outs.  (Bug 441738)
* The layout of items in the month, year, and filofax printouts has been 
tidied up.
* The sidebar item viewer displays the completion date and time of 
completed to-dos, not just the date.  (Bug 374774)

## KHolidays
* Updated Canadian holidays.

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