D16508: Eventviews: properly fall back to color-generator if ColorAttribute is absent

Olivier Churlaud noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Oct 30 19:38:22 GMT 2018

ochurlaud added a comment.

  Just to be sure: you just factored both treatment in one?  Or do I miss something?
  If it is just factoring, you can ship it. If not, I'd like to be sure not to miss anything in the change.
  The idea was to always do:
    1) load resource
     1a) if color, use it
     1b) if invalid color,
       1b1) try to use the one from the dav
       1b2) if none in the dav, define one in resources and load resource
  It seems you do exactly that (which I thought I was doing, but with a clumsy way)


To: dfaure, ochurlaud, dkurz, dvratil
Cc: #kde_pim
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