Time arrival Toulouse pim sprint

Franck Arrecot franck.arrecot at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 15:05:01 BST 2017

Kevin, Volker and I are already at the venue, there is enough space we can
gather there for the people arriving soon enough :-)

See you soon guys.

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Franck Arrecot <franck.arrecot at gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> So far here what I got :
> Sandro : 16h30
> Dan : 18h30
> Laurent : 19h45
> David: 21h
> Volker : middle of the afternoon ?
> I'll go to pick up the keys beginin of afternoon, and see when we can
> start
> occupying the venue, but since most of you arrive after 17h30 I guess
> there is
> no issue.
> Both venue and hotel are close, so you can definitely drop you laggage
> there
> if you don't want to carry it.
> We'll see how it goes, but I guess we'll gather at the venue, and when
> we'll
> be hungry enough we'll head to a restaurant, dunno when this will happen,
> so
> I'll notice the late comers (looking at you Dfaure !) about that. There
> are
> plenty of places to take away food around anyway.
> Here goes my french number again in case : +33 07 822 910 69
> Cheers.
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