[Kde-pim] Empty groups

Anders Lund anders at alweb.dk
Fri Oct 5 11:13:53 BST 2012

AndersOn Onsdag den 3. oktober 2012 20:25:07  Lund wrote:
> Hi list,
> My groups appears to be emptied on a daily basis. I find this VERY
> unfortunate, and noone seems to react to bug reports.
> I know you all are busy people, but how can I find information on why/how
> this happens?

As indicated before, this also happens to my webdav/caldav/owncloud calendars, 
handled by the same akonadi resource as my contacts.

Here is a sequence of screenshots demonstrating:

1. owncloud web interface, showing the current month: 

2. korganizer, showing approximately same view, seconds later: 

3. korganizer, after restarting akonadi and updating the folder (updating the 
folder had no effect, but that may be impatience, there is no indication of 
weather anything happens when activating "update folder"), restarting akonadi 
alone had no impact either:

So why does akonadi or webdav client drop this data? Does it think network is 
always reliable, and remove the data prior to attempting an update over the 
network? Does it forget to check that data returned over the network is 
actually the expected data and not an error? Does it delete data if an update 
request times out? Or something else that I did not think of?

I had a similar problem when I kept my contacts in a vcf file on a remote 
server - sometimes akonadi just deleted all of it, but in that case akonadi 
also emptied the remote file - but I assume the same kind of misbehavior was 

My android phone NEVER drops data (unless I actually delete it from the 
owncloud server).

The problem is by far worst in the contacts case, as it makes using the 
otherwise working (for me) groups feature useless. But I don't like my 
calendars being maybe showing my events either!

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