[Kde-pim] More sending delay

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Apr 12 21:19:12 BST 2010

On Monday 12 April 2010, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Monday 12 April 2010 18:19:14 Thomas McGuire wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Friday 09 April 2010 18:02:39 Anne Wilson wrote:
> > > Sending an encrypted message is a slow job.  There is a long
> > > delay before the pinentry dialog shows - I just timed one at 49
> > > seconds.  I suspect that the fix that stopped nepomuk searching
> > > everywhere when sending plain messages isn't applied to messages
> > > that need the recipient identifying for encryption. You opinion?
> > 
> > Could be the ItemSearchJobs which are exectured during
> > keyresolving, like the other Nepomuk-related hangs, see bug
> > 219687.
> > Looks ok from the code though, so I have no idea.
> 'With a little help from my friends' I've been doing some off-list
> testing. We didn't find anything conclusive, but I'll offer what
> information I did get in the hope that it sparks some ideas.
> The correspondent that I first mentioned uses a 4096/4096 bit key.  I
> tested against another friend that uses a 4096/4096 key, and the
> delay didn't happen, so I was just about to put it down to something
> strange about my first friend's key, when I got an off-list offer of
> more test exchanges.  The list user in question also uses a
> 4096/4096 key - and the same 50-60second delay At happens when I
> send to him.
> At that point I lost any sense of direction.  If you can think of
> anything useful to test I will willingly approach my friends with
> it.  If you think it useful to try a number of people with smaller
> keys, to see if any of those are similarly affected I'll approach a
> few people and ask if they are willing to help with tests.

Can you reveal the key IDs of the keys causing the delay and, as 
comparison, also of the key not causing the delay? If needed you can 
send the information to me off-list.

I assume that in all three cases you have signed the key (at least 
locally), so that the validity calculation shouldn't be the problem. Can 
you reproduce the problem with a new user account with a fresh address 
book (but with the same OpenPGP keys)?

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