[Kde-pim] kmail - mail message window "rendering weirdness"
Jørn Fauske
jf at sevenbricks.net
Thu Mar 20 02:30:44 GMT 2008
I'm sorry if this is a known issue and for the long post. I've tried the almig
hty google but couldn't find any clues to help me there...
I'm experiencing some "weird" rendering of the mail message window in kmail fr
om trunk, kdepim revision 783843.
From time to time the current message "locks" on displaying the "initial" view
of the message.
Scrolling (both with up/down-keys and using the scollbar) will make the messag
e scroll _behind_ the initial view only displaying half a line (as in horizont
ally split) on top and bottom of the message window. This will happen to all m
essages I try to read after the issue occurs.
I've tried to figure out a way to reproduce it but currently with no luck.
It seems, to me anyway, to be an issue that only manifests itself randomly (re
producing the steps of my usual "mail-reading" routine is easy).
The last time this occured was while reading this gpg-signed message to this l
ist: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-pim&m=120594854222260&w=2.
Part of what makes it a mystery to me is that grabbing a snapshot of the scree
n (using ksnapshot from Debian supplied KDE 3.5.8) will make the resulting png
show the message "correctly". E.g. the scrolled to wherever the view is suppos
ed to be, without the "initial" view of the message blocking...
Could the problem be originating from somewhere else than kmail?
This was a fresh rebuild (of all of the following) after updating my working c
opy of qt-copy, kdesupport, kdelibs, kdebase, kdepimlbs and kdepim.
I'm not familiar enough with the codebase (yet) to be able to figure out for m
yself what is going on here.
Should I file a bug-report?
As this is not regarding a release version I thought the mailinglist would be
(I'd try to throw in a patch if I just had a clue about where to look and how
to fix it :-) )
Best regards,
Jørn Fauske
gpg-fingerprint: 5FFA A8A0 2B9A D1CC DC15 FC15 052B E414 72E9 7819
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